Tuesday 7 April 2015

Oz the great and powerful

Hi guys I am back with another post.
Oz the great and powerful is about a man who worked and lived in a circus, he was a magician but he wasn't a real magician, he was a fraud. People thought he was a real magician until he finished his show. A poor girl on a wheel chair shouted "make me walk." But Oz couldn't so the girl cried. Oz left the stage and then another  girl that Oz hardly sees comes to his room and they start talking. He was got up with his cheating. The strong man comes and tries to beat up Oz but he escapes from the man, he goes on a hot air balloon and then he finds himself in the middle of a tornado storm.
He runs away from one thing and fter that he meets a woman, the woman told him "You are the chosen one"
This movie is one of the best I have ever seen. My favorite part was when the good witch made the big smoke and they sent out the scarecrows and the wicked witch sent out the monkeys so the monkeys can destroy the scarecrows but the wicked witch thinks the scarecrows are humans.
The monkeys attacked the scarecrows and then they fell asleep because the field they were fighting at was cursed mostly the roses. The roses makes anything that walks on them sleep.
I would also recommend this movie to you because it is full of adventure and it is full of action and drama.
Thank You!

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