Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Kiwi Facts

WAL facts about a kiwi for our report writing.
Interesting facts

  • Kiwis can run faster than a human. 
  • Kiwis can grow very big
  • The Kiwi's name doesn't come from its call, but from the Polynesian name for the Bristle- Thighed Curlew, the Kivi.This bird has the same way of feeding as the Kiwi, by poking it's long beak into soft ground.
  • Adult kiwi usually mate for life and they can grow very fast.
  • The kiwi is related to a group of birds called ratites. The closest relatives to kiwi today are emus and cassowaries in Australia, but also the now-extinct moa of New Zealand. 

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

How to grow plants

1.The scientific study of plant life is known as what?
2. The process of plants using energy from sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into food is known as what?Photosynthesis
3. True or false? In the right conditions bamboo can grow over 60cm (24in) in just one day.True
4. The movement of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower is known as what?Pollination
5. Amber is made from fossilized tree Resin
6. True or false? Humans were on Earth before plants.False
7. What grain has the highest level of worldwide production? (Hint: Rice is second)  Corn or Maize
8. A trailing or climbing plant is also known as a Vine.
9. True or false? Pitcher plants are carnivorous.True
10. The Japanese word “sakura” means the blossoming of what kind of tree?
cherry tree

Thursday, 9 August 2012

How plants can grow.

This is what I think about how plants grow.
We will be doing some experiments to find out if it is true.

1. How much sunlight do plants need to grow?
Lots of sunlight like 100%

2. Can plants grow in the shade? Can they grow inside?
No they can’t because they will die. NO because that would not work for the plants, because there is no sunlight

3. Can plants grow better by talking to them? Why?
No they wouldn’t because they can’t talk

4. Can plants grow in sand? or rocks? Why?
They can grow in none because the water would just go to the sand but not go in plant.And when it is planted to a rock the water would just slip off the rock and nothing would go on the plant.

5. How much water do plants  need to grow? What type of water?
lots and lots of water.Clean water.

6. Can you feed plants food? If yes, what kind?
Yes you can.You can give it carbon dioxide and water.

WAL: about how plants grow best

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


WAL about how plants grow and what they need to grow

My explanation of how Photosynthesis works
The plants need carbon dioxide, water and sunlight these things makes sugar so the plant can grow.